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We Remember and Work to Reconcile

Each year, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day honours survivors of residential schools and the children who never returned home, as well as their families and communities.

The library has many resources for people working to learn more about this part of our nation’s history and its ongoing effects. Consider borrowing Canada’s Residential Schools: the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, to understand all of the Commission’s findings and their 94 Calls to Action.

Read novels by authors like Richard Wagamese, Michelle Good, or James Bartleman, or the reporting and first-hand accounts by Tanya Talaga, Basil Johnston, Fred Sasakamoose, or Augie Merasty.  You’ll also find many books for young readers, including: Christy Jordan-Fenton’s Fatty Legs, When I Was Eight, or Not My Girl; David A. Robertson’s When We Were Alone; Jenny K. Dupuis’ I Am Not A Number; or Melanie Florence’s Stolen Words.

Phyllis Webstad’s story was the inspiration for Orange Shirt Day, the grassroots commemoration that became the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Webstad shares the story of her first day of residential schooling at six years old, when the new orange shirt her grandmother bought her was taken and never returned. Young readers can find Phyllis’ story in several picture books and two books she’s written for teens.

Join MPL and Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons for screenings of the film Indian Horse, as part of their on-site programming on Saturday, September 30. Based on Richard Wagamese’s poetic and heartwrenching novel, the film follows Saul Indian Horse as he is torn from his Ojibway family and taken to one of Canada’s notorious Catholic residential schools. Despite the oppression, abuse and indignity he suffers there, Saul finds salvation in the unlikeliest of places and favourite Canadian pastime: hockey. Film rated 14A. Visit to get all of the details. Our thanks to the Culture Alliance in the Heart of Georgian Bay for sponsoring the film license.

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