Interlibrary Loans
- Please check the library catalogue before submitting a request. Materials on order may be in the catalog and can be reserved.
- Each patron may request/have 2 interlibrary loans at any one time.
- All materials requested must be a minimum of 1 year old.
- DVDs, video games, CDs and any other material deemed fragile, cannot be brought in on interlibrary loan. Audio books CAN still be brought in on loan.
- Any interlibrary loans brought in at a patron’s request and not picked up within 10 days will be subject to a $5.00 fine.
- Late fines for interlibrary loans will be: $0.50 per day, per item.
- Meeting the needs of external book clubs at this time is not possible due to costs and funding limitations. Individuals participating in book clubs may request their own copies of a book, but MPL cannot arrange to bring in sets of books at this time.